User Version

Sharrtz published Myoe Pya (1.0.0) version to public in April 2022 and it is the first release version. The version introduce virtual Thingyan feature on Myoe Pya platform. Users can enter to Thingyan room provided by Sharrtz and communicate each other with 3D virtual character by splashing water, sending message, sending wave and sending love. Music, stage, fireworks, videos and AI characters are  provided in the room and features are running with agenda.

Sharrtz published Myoe Pya (1.0.1) version to public in 30 May 2022. The following features are news to platform

  1. Ecommence features

Users can view and buy things uploaded to Myoe Pya platform

Sharrtz published Myoe Pya (1.0.2) demo version to public in 26 June 2022. The following features are news to platform

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Developer Version

Sharrtz published Myoe Pya (1.0.0) developer version to public in May 2022 and it is the first release version. The version is specialized for developers who want to display their works in the Myoe Pya platform and include editing and upoading 3D models and products data to Myoe Pya.

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